Belief & Technology
At MachPhy™ we believe in providing cold-chain solutions with state-of-the-art technology for efficiency and the best user experience. We innovate, develop & customise products while delivering the best value to the customers. We have launched a range of products to plug the gap between cold chain storage and maintaining the longevity of samples. Our products are in compliance with industry standards and environmental quality norms.
MachPhy™ ensures maintaining a consistent temperature at an affordable price, reliable and speedy handling of biologics and biopharma products. With low power consumption, backup with added security and traceability using IoT throughout, the customers can avail of hassle-free cooling solutions.
Our products cater to a wide range of biomedical healthcare needs from ambient temperature refrigeration and deep freezing to cryogenic freezing. We also provide portable refrigerators & freezers. We believe in making cold chain leaner so we can collectively move forward with the target of a healthy nation with a better and more affordable standard of healthcare.
We use a wide range of Phase Change Materials to provide the thermal energy storage which sustains the cooling effect, thus allowing us a distinct advantage over our peers in providing affordable battery-less cold storage technology to our customers.
The higher number of cycles that the PCMs can work on, provides longer life cycle for the cold storage. The PCMs thermal storage provide upto 3000 cycles on an average, which corresponds to 3000 days (more than 8 years) considering one cycle discharge per day. This lowers down the average running expenses considerably when compared to chemical battery based cold storage which need battery replacement every 5 to 8 years. The adjoining picture depicts how the PCMs are used in the cold storage. The PCM technology enables us provide temperature autonomy of upto 120 hours at different temperatures.
We use the power of loT (Internet of Things) based digital platform to share live data on location & physical parameters for optimal operational efficiencies.